Identity Score
This page explains the IDHub score - a reflection of users' web2 and web3 experience, and trustworthiness as a human.
A score is an identity analysis of a user’s web3 & web2 behaviors. It is also a numerical value representing one or multiple Verifiable Credentials. The Identity Hub uses verifiable credentials to calculate these scores, and uses scores to match DID use cases with their desired audience. Scores provide a more granular assessment, filtering, or segmentation of the user, but are also less exclusive. However, they are more refined and complex than credentials. Every credential on the IDHub has its score and users that match the requirement of the credential can unlock it to rack up their score. Verifiable credentials generated by the Litentry parachain are attestation for user identification, they’re anonymous yet trustless.
Scoring dimensions
Scoring dimensions play a crucial role in providing a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the factors that contribute to the overall score of a user within Litentry's Identity Hub. These dimensions serve as distinct aspects or characteristics, essentially acting as building blocks for the final score assigned to an individual. They offer a detailed overview of the diverse elements that collectively shape a user's identity and trustworthiness within the Web3 ecosystem.
Each credential associated with a user is tagged with a specific identifier or tag
. These tags act as labels or markers that categorize the credentials based on their nature or the type of information they represent. This categorization is a key organizational mechanism that allows for a more efficient and insightful assessment of a user's score without the need to individually scrutinize every single credential.
Examples of scoring dimensions:
Web 3
Anything that proves Web3 activity
Web 2
Anything that proves Web2 activity
Anything that proves authentic human activity
Anything that proves activity
Anything that focuses on the holdings of assets
How to Calculate VC value
The Litentry Identity Hub calculates verifiable credential scores based on the VC format. This means that the calculation format is not fixed. Scores are calculated for VCs that return assertions in boolean
or count
, the weight is put on either True or False, e.g. y(if(value=T/F))
For example, those from theoneblock
assertion, points are allocated if the outcome of the claim is positive or truthful.
, we will put weight directly based on the count, e.g. x(value), or put a threshold on the count and weight on it, e.g. z(if(value>n))
For instance, holding LIT token for 0 to 1 year might yield 5 points, 1 to 2 years might get 10 points, and so on.
Score Logic
Litentry's score logic is a meticulous blend of scoring dimensions, weighted verifiable credentials, assertion description, etc., that underpins Litentry's innovative approach to decentralized identity scoring. The IDHub community score is the first and one of the numerous scores of the IdentityHub, by showing the specific score logic components, we provide a detailed understanding of the various VCs, their descriptions, and associated score points. It also shows the issuers and data providers so that users can gain insights into how the scores are calculated.
Type | Description | Name on the IDHub | Network | Score | Points | Dimension | Issuer | Data provider |
LIT Holding Time | The length of time a user continues to hold a particular token (with particular threshold of token amount) | LIT Holding Time | Ethereum/ Litmus/ Litentry | IdentityHub Score | if credential valid and now - issuance_date <= 100 days: now - from_date is at least 0 years, +5 now - from_date is at least 1 years, +10 now - from_date is at least 2 years, +15 now - from_date is at least 3 years, +25 now - from_date is at least 4 years, +50 now - from_date is at least 5 years, +100 now - from_date is >= 6 years, +200 if credential invalid, +0 If "now - issuance_date > 100 days, +0 | Holdings Web3 | Litentry | Achainable |
DOT Holding Time | The length of time a user continues to hold a particular token (with particular threshold of token amount) | DOT Holding Time | Polkadot | IdentityHub Score | if credential valid, "now - issuance_date <= 100 days: now - from_date is at least 0 years, +5 now - from_date is at least 1 years, +10 now - from_date is at least 2 years, +15 now - from_date is at least 3 years, +25 now - from_date is at least 4 years, +50 now - from_date is at least 5 years, +100 now - from_date is >= 6 years, +200 if credential invalid, +0 if "now - issuance_date > 100 days, +0 | Holdings Web3 | Litentry | Achainable |
EVM/Substrate Transaction Count | Gets the range of number of transactions a user has made for a specific token on all supported networks (invalid transactions are also counted) | ETH Transaction Count | Ethereum | IdentityHub Score | 0 <= X < 1 => 0 1 <= X < 10 => +5 10 <= X < 20 => +10 20 <= X < 50 => +15 50 <= X < 100 => +25 100 <= X < 200 => +50 200 <= X < 300 => +75 300 <= X < 500 => +100 500 <= X < u64::Max => +200 | Activity Web3 | Litentry | Achainable |
EVM/Substrate Transaction Count | Gets the range of number of transactions a user has made for a specific token on all supported networks (invalid transactions are also counted) | LIT Transaction Count | Litentry/ Litmus/ Ethereum | IdentityHub Score | 0 <= X < 1 => 0 1 <= X < 10 => +5 10 <= X < 20 => +10 20 <= X < 50 => +15 50 <= X < 100 => +25 100 <= X < 200 => +50 200 <= X < 300 => +75 300 <= X < 500 => +100 500 <= X < u64::Max => +200 | Activity Web3 | Litentry | Achainable |
WBTC Holding Time | The length of time a user continues to hold a particular token (with particular threshold of token amount) | WBTC Holding Time | Ethereum | IdentityHub Score | if credential valid, "now - issuance_date <= 100 days, now - from_date is at least 0 years, +5 now - from_date is at least 1 years, +10 now - from_date is at least 2 years, +15 now - from_date is at least 3 years, +25 now - from_date is at least 4 years, +50 now - from_date is at least 5 years, +100 now - from_date is >= 6 years, +200 if credential invalid, +0 | Holdings Web3 | Litentry | Achainable |
ETH Holding Time | The length of time a user continues to hold a particular token (with particular threshold of token amount) | ETH Holding Time | Ethereum | IdentityHub Score | if credential valid, "now - issuance_date <= 100 days, now - from_date is at least 0 years, +5 now - from_date is at least 1 years, +10 now - from_date is at least 2 years, +15 now - from_date is at least 3 years, +25 now - from_date is at least 4 years, +50 now - from_date is at least 5 years, +100 now - from_date is >= 6 years, +200 if credential invalid, +0 | Holdings Web3 | Litentry | Achainable |
Polkadot Governance Participation Proof | You have ever participated in any Polkadot on-chain governance events. This credential is counting: Technical Committee Proposals, Democracy Prososals, Council Proposals, Proposal Seconds, Proposal Votes, Democracy Votes, Council Votes, Treasury Spend Proposals. | Polkadot Governance Participation Proof | Polkadot | IdentityHub Score | True, +25 | Governance | Litentry | Achainable |
Account Class Of Year | The class of year that the user account was created on a particular network (must have on-chain records) | Ethereum Account Class Of Year | Ethereum | IdentityHub Score | 2015 +300 2016 +250 2017 +200 2018 +100 2019 +75 2020 +50 2021 +30 2022 +20 2023 +10 | Activity Web3 | Litentry | Achainable |
Token Holder | The number of a particular token you hold > 0 | ETH Holder | Ethereum | IdentityHub Score | True, +25 | Holdings Web3 | Litentry | Achainable |
Token Holder | The number of a particular token you hold > 0 | LIT Holder | Litentry | IdentityHub Score | True, +50 | Holdings Web3 | Litentry | Achainable |
Token Holder | The number of a particular token you hold > 0 | DOT Holder | Polkadot | IdentityHub Score | True, +25 | Holdings Web3 | Litentry | Achainable |
Contract Creator | You are a deployer of a smart contract on these networks: Ethereum | Ethereum Contract Creator | IdentityHub Score | True, +100 | Activity Web3 | Litentry | Achainable | |
IDHub EVM Version Early Bird | The user is an early bird user of the IdentityHub EVM version and has generated at least 1 credential during 2023 Aug 14th ~ Aug 21st. | IDHub EVM Version Early Bird | Ethereum | IdentityHub Score | True, +10 | Activity Web3 | Litentry | Litentry Indexer |
Completion - OneBlock+ Substrate Blockchain Development Course | You have completed the course co-created by OneBlock+ and Parity: "Introduction to Substrate Blockchain Development, Phase 12". OneBlock+: “We hope you will keep your enthusiasm and continue to explore on the road ahead.” | OneBlock+ Substrate Blockchain Development Course Completion | Polkadot, Kusama | IdentityHub Score | True, +10 | Academy Web2 | OneBlock+ | OneBlock+ |
Outstanding Student - OneBlock+ Substrate Blockchain Development Course | You were awarded the title "Outstanding Student" in the course "Introduction to Substrate Blockchain Development, Phase 12” co-created by OneBlock+ and Parity. | OneBlock+ Substrate Blockchain Development Course Outstanding Student | Polkadot, Kusama | IdentityHub Score | True, +15 | Academy Web2 | OneBlock+ | OneBlock+ |
Participation - OneBlock+ Substrate Blockchain Development Course | You were a participant to the course co-created by OneBlock+ and Parity: "Introduction to Substrate Blockchain Development, Phase 12". | OneBlock+ Substrate Blockchain Development Course Participation | Polkadot, Kusama | IdentityHub Score | True, +5 | Academy Web2 | OneBlock+ | OneBlock+ |
Uniswap V2/V3 User | You are a trader or liquidity provider of Uniswap V2 or V3. Uniswap V2 Factory Contract: 0x5c69bee701ef814a2b6a3edd4b1652cb9cc5aa6f. Uniswap V3 Factory Contract: 0x1f98431c8ad98523631ae4a59f267346ea31f984. | Uniswap V2/V3 User | Ethereum | IdentityHub Score | v2 true、v3 false - +50 v2 true、v3 true - +75 v2 false、v3 true - +25 v2 false、v3 false - +0 | Activity Web3 | Litentry | Achainable |
Last updated