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Full Node

Litmus RPC nodes

By default, Litmus has a few self-hosted, load-balanced RPC nodes which provide public service. Contrary to collators, the RPC nodes don't produce blocks but only sync the chain states and provide RPC/Websocket services to the users.

You can find the Litmus RPC entrypoint here on polkadot-js.

With the service, the end-users can query the chain state, inspect the constant and storage, and execute extrinsics.

Run your own full nodes

using docker (preferred)

1. create a local directory to store the chain database:

mkdir /var/lib/litentry
# or use sudo if you don't have permission
sudo mkdir /var/lib/litentry

2. make sure the permission and ownership of the local directory are correctly set:

sudo chown -R $(id -u):$(id -g) /var/lib/litentry

3. run the following docker command, you can replace the --name="litmus-node" with your own node name:

docker run -d --network=host -v /var/lib/litentry:/data \
    -u $(id -u):$(id -g) \
    litentry/litentry-parachain:v0.9.11  \
    --base-path=/data \
    --name="litmus-node" \
    --chain=litmus \
    --state-pruning=archive \
    --state-cache-size 0 \
    --ws-external \
    --rpc-external \
    --rpc-cors=all \
    --execution=wasm \
    -- \
    --execution=wasm \
    --chain kusama

litentry/litentry-parachain:v0.9.11 is used as an example, please check github release page for the up-to-date releases

The command will run the docker container in the background and the container ID will be printed in the console. With docker logs -f <container-id> you should be able to see the node starts to sync.

Wait until syncing is done, depending on the hardware and network status it could take several days to fully sync the parachain and relaychain database.

After it's fully synced, you should be able to access the chain via local ws endpoint in polkadot-js:

using binary

Running a full node with the raw binary is very similar to the docker setup above, it only differs a bit in the command line arguments. So instead of step 1-3 above, run:

./target/release/litentry-collator \
    --name="litmus-node" \
    --chain=litmus \
    --state-pruning=archive \
    --state-cache-size 0 \
    --ws-external \
    --rpc-external \
    --rpc-cors=all \
    --execution=wasm \
    -- \
    --execution=wasm \
    --chain kusama

By default the database is stored at ~/.local/share/, you can override it by using --base-path=<your-path>.

To get the binary, you could either download it directly from Litentry's Github release page (Linux x86-64 only), or build it from the source.

Last updated