Litentry Kusama Registrar Guide
A step-by-step guide on how to verify your identity with Litentry (Kusama) registrar.
While the anonymity that Web3 provides has a great advantage in user privacy, revealing partial personal information can help gain a higher reputation and trust in the Polkadot ecosystem. This document introduces a registrar service that is fully automatic and leverages cryptographic design to eliminate human interventions. The Litentry registrar focuses on providing judgment for users display name, email, and twitter
while preserving user privacy. For more information about the registrar, visit this page.
In this treatise, we will walk you through the identity verification process step by step:
To get started, users need to set their identity information onchain; then, they may request the registrar to verify the identity. Users will enter a maximum fee they are willing to pay for the service. After that, the dedicated registrar can ascertain the identity.
Step 1: Set an on-chain identity
Click the 'Accounts' tab on the Polkadot-JS Apps
Make sure you're in the Kusama network by looking at the top left corner of the page. If not, click on the toggle to switch
On the accounts list, click on the hamburger icon on the right side of your selected account and click
Set on-chain identity
You'll see a popup window of 'register identity'. Click to turn on the include field of
display name, email, and Twitter
, and enter your information. Once done, click Set Identity to submit the transaction.
Now you have successfully submitted an identity! Since your information is not verified yet, you will see a ⚪️ profile icon next to your username.
Step 2: Judgement Request
To request the registrar to validate your on-chain information:
Go to Developer->Extrinsic, and select your account.
undersubmit the following extrinsic
, andrequestJudgement(reg_index, max_fee)
transaction.Enter '4' for
(index of the registrar)Enter '0.04' KSM for the service fee
As shown below:
Submit transaction
and you have successfully requested the registrar to validate your on-chain information.
Step 3: Email Verification
You should receive a verification email from Litentry. Click on "Verify Email Now" to complete the verification process (see figure 1.5). After that, you will receive another email that confirms that the verification is successful.
Step 4: Element Verification (Optional)
An invitation will be sent from "litentry-bot" on Element, accept the invitation
Click on the verification link from "Litentry-Bot" to complete the verification of the element account. Once the verification process is completed, you will receive a confirmation message (see figure 1.6).
Step 5: Twitter Verification (Optional)
Follow @LitentryReg on Twitter
Make sure your account is open to private messages in your privacy settings. Otherwise, the verification message will not go through.
You'll receive a verification link on DM from @LitentryReg. Click on the link to complete the verification of your Twitter account. Once it is completed, you will receive a confirmation message (see figure 1.7).
Once everything is successfully verified, your account status becomes "reasonable" with an ✅ icon. Congratulations - Your identity is now verified on Polkadot-JS Apps!
Registrar Fee
The judgment fee of the Litentry Registrar is 0.04KSM.
It's important to notice that no KSM is sent to our registrar at any time before the judgment is completed. You should NOT send funds to our account directly. When calling requestJudgement
, the registrar fee will be locked and put aside. It will be transferred to the registrar only after the registrar finishes its job.
If you have any questions, contact us via Element Room or
Last updated