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Transfer LIT from Ethereum to parachain

The token bridge allows you to transfer your LIT token from the Ethereum network into the Litentry Network.

You can access our token bridge functionality by visiting

An Introduction to the Token Bridge

Please refer to Token Bridge


This video guide takes Ethereum => Litmus parachain as an example, it also applies to Ethereum => Litentry parachain token bridge usage. You only need to switch to the corresponding network in the web app.

Alternatively, you can follow the step-by-step guide below:

1. Switch to the desired network in the upper left corner of the webapp:

2. Connect using the Polkadot.{js} Extension to start using our app

You can cancel this modal and do this anytime. However, please note that you must connect to a Polkadot account else most app functionality will not be available to you

3. Select the Polkadot Account you wish to connect to

4. Navigate to the Token Bridge screen

5. Choose the account you wish to transfer LIT from and connect to your Ethereum Wallet. Please note that your browser MetaMask or Binance extension will open and ask you to sign in.

6. You can change the Destination and which Polkadot account you wish to transfer the LIT into by using the Polkadot account select control in the top right of your screen


7. Select the amount of LIT token you wish to transfer. You will be prompted and required to authorize the amount prior to being able to transfer it.

8. Press on Preview and Submit and you will be shown the Transaction Summary modal. Carefully review the information displayed and then press Transfer tokens

9. Depending on where you are transferring from. You will now be presented with a MetaMask or Binance modal. Please sign and approve the transaction and then wait for the transaction to be confirmed.

Congratulations! You have successfully transferred your LIT token from Ethereum to Litentry.

You can check if the transaction was successful by checking on Etherscan ( and the Polkadot Network Explorer (

Last updated